Personal Files

Personal File

Keep personal files up-to-date and complete safely in digital media with Camework.

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Personal Files
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Your personal files are safe!

According to Article 75 of the Labor Law, employers are obliged to keep a personal file for each employee. If necessary, it is obliged to show these documents to authorized persons.

With the Camework personnel file module, the employee's; All official documents and records such as employment contract, employment and permission documents, financial documents, documents received during the working period, assignment and overtime forms can be stored in the online system as verified with a biometric signature.

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Keep an up-to-date and complete personal file!

It is preferred by many human resources departments because it is more convenient and easier to transfer personnel files to digital and use them as digital copies.
  • Camework ensures that the personnel file is not only created at the beginning of the job, but also kept up-to-date and complete during the work process.
  • The employee's entry-exit information, progress payment leaves, upcoming leaves and past leaves can be viewed on the same panel.
  • In addition to the fields in the system, a customizable field can be defined within the scope of the employee's information.
  • It is easy to find documents sought in the digital environment immediately. There is no wear and tear problem experienced in original documents.
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Store data in compliance with PDPL!

  • In accordance with the rules of PDPL (Personal Data Protection Law), the personal information of the employees is kept anonymized in the system in line with the interests of the employees.
  • Creating personal files in digital environment in accordance with PDPL provides time and cost savings for both employers and employees of the human resources department.

All information about employees can be accessed via mobile or web, whenever and wherever there is an internet connection.

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